Monday, December 28, 2009

3 idiots

What a great movie it was! I am so glad I watched it. It was very well made with great cast and very good sense of humor. We both usually have to change hindi movie on BW cinema after 30 minutes or so( I can tolerate more.. but he can take for no more than 30 minutes) and this movie felt like breath of fresh air. Amir- I am his fan now.. He is sooo cute in the movie. What I like about him is that he tends to do movies with a message and this was not an exception. In my opinion, It is so true that in India if you are someone other than Engineer or Doctor, there is something wrong with you. Statistics show that India has highest population of Doctors and Engineers( anyone surprised?). A lot of talented people who can be really good at for example playing Drums or can be a good teacher are forced to join Engineering college or a Med school. It would be so nice if our young generation is given a chance to be what they want to be and do what they want to do. I do not doubt that talent used at right place can do wonders and if there are movies like this, hopefully things will improve and we will see a decrease in number of Engineers who actually never persue Engineering as their profession.


  1. One should choice one's career acc to one's taste.
    Nice review of 3 Idiots.
    Happy blogging! :)

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